4th-10th September Welcome to the campaign for 2022 In 2022, National Child Protection Week will continue to embrace the overarching message that ‘Every child, in every community,…
Wednesday 27th April 2022 9:00am - 11:00am EST 2:00pm - 4:00pm BST Survivors of childhood sexual violence and allies will come together from around the world to…
GLOBAL SURVIVOR-CENTERED MOVEMENT LAUNCHES TO END SEXUAL VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS The Brave Movement is led by fifteen adult survivors of childhood sexual violence and their…
#Nov18WorldDay #EndChildSexAbuseDay #PreventionHealingJustice Global Movement Calls for Establishing November 18, 2021 as the First Annual “World Day of Action in Recognition of Prevention, Healing and…
5-11 September 2021 Every child, in every community, needs a fair go. To treat all of Australia’s children fairly, we need to make sure every family and community has what…
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has released new analysis of Personal Safety Survey (PSS) and Recorded Crime – Victims data, shedding further light on the experiences of victim/survivors…
#Nov18WorldDay #EndChildSexAbuseDay #PreventionHealingJustice Global Movement Calls for Establishing November 18, 2021 as the First Annual “World Day of Action in Recognition of Prevention, Healing and Justice to End…
The Chair and Board Members of Children of Phoenix are delighted to announce that our unique, registered charity recently received a bequeath estate. This incredibly generous gift from a…
The urgent need to repeal an unjust law Recent changes to Victoria’s Judicial Reporting make it illegal for victim/survivor of sexual abuse to identify themselves. Our Founder and Chair…
Scholarships for 2020 are Now Open Children of Phoenix Scholarship applications are open to survivors of childhood sexual assault who are ready to continue or further their education.…
Children of Phoenix are proud to be chosen as one of two charities to benefit from the Victoria police youth enhancement program charity event being held in Ballarat in February.…